You would think that spending four months living on campus would entirely prepare you for the next four months. Well, it's not true.
It's not that I know NOTHING about this coming semester. I know the fastest routes to get to my classes. I know how the dining commons works. I know how to get to church, Starbucks, the Gryphon, WaWa, Kmart, King of Prussia know, places that matter(:P). I know that there is chapel on Wednesdays&Windows of the World on Fridays. I know which door leads to the Student Aids office and which one leads to the Student Accounts office(does anyone understand anything past that point?). I know that an entire tray of Sodexo cookies can easily become empty in 5 minutes or less. I know that looking for parking in Hainer/KeaGuffin is normally a waste of time. I know to come to the auditorium for Actor's Lab(at which all expectations of Actor's Lab activities must be left at the door). I know that taking showers requires wearing flip-flops. I know (what seems like) a lot about Spring 2012.
With all that knowledge, you think I would be pretty calm about going back to school. I mean, after all, I know so much, right? Hhhhhmmmmmmm....NOPE.
Turns out there's a lot about this semester that I don't know. I don't know what being a Stage Manager for a musical is like. I don't know if I'm going to be completely in love with or totally sick of my major after taking four communication classes in one semester(I'm praying its the first). I don't know what it's like to be part of a class with 159 other students. I don't know how I'm going to manage to not accidently cut myself on a tomato slicer when assigned to wash dishes at the Breezeway. I don't know how to attain the time management skills that I failed to attain this past semester. I don't know how I'm not going to go insane eating to-go meals every Thursday night when I have my night class(somebody PLEASE tell me there's another cheap option!). I don't know how I'm going to muster up any initiative to go to the gym and stay in shape. I don't know how Eastern expects me to get a good grade in research methods when their database is so terrible. I know (what seems like) nothing about Spring 2012.
On one hand, I find this incredibly intimidating. Because, let's be honest, I've only skimmed the surface of what I know and don't know about Spring 2012.
On the other hand, I find this incredibly encouraging. Because, let's be honest, if I knew everything, I wouldn't be going to school in the first place.
Out of everything I know and don't know about Spring 2012, I do know that Jesus will be with me every step of the way. I know He gets it. Have you ever thought about that? He gets it. The great teacher made Himself a student every single day. He was always learning about us.
I wonder what His first word was. I wonder how He reacted when He got His first splinter. I wonder what He was thinking when He saw His first sibling. I wonder how He dealt with His first encounter with death. I wonder how hard He laughed when He heard Joseph tell a joke. I wonder what He did when other kids wouldn't play with Him. I wonder what kind of games He made up. I wonder if He had a hard time staying awake when studying. I wonder what food He liked and what food He didn't like. I could go on and on, wondering and wondering. He knew everything, yet humbled Himself so that He knew nothing.
This is my beloved...this is my friend.
As a student who is going back to school in 5 days, I'm incredibly thankful that my best friend is not only my savior, but a teacher who gets being a student.
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